#91. Give Thanks


Last weekend my Home Group co-leader challenged us to make a list of 100 things we are thankful for. If you spread it out over a week, it’s less than 15 items per day. That might be the easier way to do it if you are a disciplined person, but I knew I would procrastinate, so in an effort at a preemptive strike, I sat down for an hour last Monday and hammered out about 90 items. Ashamedly, I admit hitting a wall a couple times and feeling like I couldn’t think of anything else. It was eye-opening to me to see how much I take for granted and the selfishness that reveals.

But I did, in fact, finish the list before our meeting this past Sunday night. The following list is what I came up with. I was fairly liberal with the slash mark, especially for items that I thought belong in the same group or for things that pehaps didn’t warrant a line all to itself. Much of this was stream of consciousness, and I have been reminded of many things that I did not include that would rank much higher than many of these items, but you can only be so thankful, right?… Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Enjoy.

1. God, Jesus & the Holy Spirit – Love, Grace, mercy & salvation

2. Dani

3. Parents

4. Brother

5. Grandparents

6. Aunts, Uncles & Cousins

7. In-Laws

8. Our home

9. Bed

10. Pillows

11. Clothes/Compression shorts/Feetures socks

12. Electricity

13. Heating/Air conditioning

14. Running/hot water

15. GPS/Garmin watch

16. Bible

17. Blue ink Zebra F-301 ball point pen

18. Citizen wrist watch

19. iPhone 

20. Laptop/Desktop/Portable hard drive/Flash drive/wireless mouse

21. Friends/Home group

22. Food/Mexican/chips & Queso/Honey BBQ Chicken Strip Sandwich/

Grandma’s Strawberry pie & Texas sheet cake/Baskin Robbins mint chocolate chip ice cream/Tagalongs/Filet Steak/Mashed potatoes & gravy/corn pudding/broccoli casserole/

salmon/meat loaf/fettuccini alfredo/pizza/big mac/french fries/sweet potato fries/caesar salad/cheesecake factory cheesecake/chick fil a chicken minis/chocolate chip cookies/Oreos/salsa/

wheat thins/cream cheese/strawberries/peanut butter & jelly/

sun chips/fresh picked corn on the cob/chicken fried steak/blueberries/honey nut Cheerios/

pulled pork/slim fast/brisket/

23. Sweet tea

24. Cherry coke

25. Water

26. Refrigerator

27. Microwave

28. Stove/oven

29. Dishwasher

30. Cars/’05 Grand Prix/’93 Mazda 626

31. Job

32. Money

33. Debit card

34. Internet

35. Health

36. My fitness pal

37. Alarm clock

38. Murphy

39. The Village Church/Pastors/Staff

40. Sight

41. Sound

42. Smell

43. Taste

44. Touch

45. Excel

46. Music

47. ESPN radio

48. 46″ Samsung LCD TV

49. DVD/Blu-ray/Surround sound

50. DVR

51. Furniture

52. Toilets

53. Washer/dryer

54. Camera/video camera/pictures/video

55. Crockpot

56. Dyson vacuum

57. Dyson DustBuster

58. Glasses/contacts

59. Soap/deodorant

60. Toothbrush/Toothpaste

61. Razor/shaving cream

62. Toilet paper

63. Kleenex

64. Medicine

65. Dishes/silverware/cookware

66. Paper towels

67. Tape/glue/butterfly clips/scissors/stapler

68. Mail/package delivery services

69. Sun/grass/trees/mountains/lakes/rivers/oceans/moon/stars

70. Rain/snow/wind

71. Margaritas

72. Long island ice tea

73. Milk

74. College education/degree

75. Sports/baseball/basketball/football/ultimate frisbee

76. Not soccer

77. Not hockey

78. Stores

79. Dry erase board & markers

80. Bicycle

81. Sunglasses

82. Locks & keys

83. Springfield XD 9mm pistol

84. Being born & living in the USA

85. Remote controls

86. Unique people & places & the opportunities to meet & visit them

87. Intelligence/knowledge/learning

88. Faith & wisdom – the little I have

89. Freedom: Spiritual/Religious/political

90. Holidays/Vacation Days/PTO

91. Google Calendar

92. Coozies

93. My Takamine guitar

94. Airplanes

95. Sex

96. Sleep/naps

97. Books

98. Art

99. Movies

100. Lists


I also want to thank the United States military as well as law enforcement and fire protection services and the brave men and women who perform these duties.


What are you thankful for?